Postcards from the Desert

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Mountain views on the I-10

It's saturday and we're burned in.

Kind alike being "snowed" in, but you know, the opposite. I saw that Niko had to pee at one point and didn't have my shoes on, so I ran her out and singed my feet. We had just watched the episode of the office last night where the boss burns his foot on the George Foreman grill, so when I mentioned to Steve my singed sole story he asked if I needed Dwight to come get me. Hah. I wish we would've watched that show from the beginning, there was just something about it that bugged me when it started. The fact that it was just like the BBC version, but now I love it and watched 6 episodes in a row last night. We might try to catch up on 24 and lost too, while were burned in.

My friend L is having a little pool party today, another all girls thing. Ugh, enough already. Everything they do is all girls. I'm tired of it. Before deciding to get the pup last weekend I was going to stay with them at a resort in Phx. I guess it sucked, their bill got super expesive for drinks, L left at like 9:30 to pick up a waitress shift, and then the next day when boys were allowed to join the all-girls-at the pool, L's boyfriends new truck got stolen with a bunch of his art equipment in it. I can't imagine getting a car stolen, but I guess it's bad here.

Work has been pretty frustrating at times, but the perks are still making me glad to be there, I picked up a prescription today that was 1/2 the price and I paid for it through a FSA I'd set up with pre-tax $$, that they gave me a credit card for so I don't have to wait for reimbursement. I also got to take bentley on a photoshoot Friday morning, so he might end up on some signage for collars and leashes in the stores.

The trip to Palm Springs was such a blur last weekend, but it was a good test drive, 2 more hours to San Diego which is where I'd like to go next road trip. It's definitely a beautiful drive, I only posted pics of Niko but here's some of the trip.

The famous windmills of the Palm Desert area.

Steve looking down the fans.

View from hotel.

Steve holding the little Niko.

Me holding the little Niko.

About 20 mins after getting her we ran to PetSmart and bought a harness, and two car seats. Bentley likes his but she wanted to be in Bmans with him so kept jumping out then dangling from the harness, so we strapped her into the seatbelt with Steve for the ride, and she slept for the whole ride.

My parents were in the Ozarks that weekend and sent this pic that made me laugh. Probably because my dad is always telling people to "Jump in the Lake", this is him doing just that.

She wakes us up in the night a lot so we take naps with her and she cuddles up around necks, it's cute.


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