Postcards from the Desert

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The weather here has turned beautiful, seemingly overnight. We had that bout of cold and rainy, but all the sudden it's 70 and sunny.

I've been walking the dogs every day, it stays light long enough to get a good 45 min. walk in when I get home from work. These pics are from this past Sunday.

Bentley is definitely a puller on the leash as evident here. I brought the camera because I wanted to get photos of how green everything is!

The desert is usually different shades of brown and rust but leaves, weeds, brush and flowers have smothered the rocky scape and the smells are wet and mossy now instead of dry sandy.

I am sure by the time we hit June it will return to the dusty dry, but I am enjoying the green.

So are the doggers, I do walk them in the heat, stopping to pour water over them but they like this spring season! There are more dogs/people on the trails too, but for the most part it's very quiet and we feel we have the whole trail to ourselves!

It's crazy to me that there are so many homes lining these paths with full access to this beautiful trail, yet we normally only pass 1 or 2 groups or people on our walk.

If I time the walk right, the sun will set and turn these mountains a red-orange that seems to glow.

The dogs do not pose well while on their leashes, this is something we will have to work on.

Niko does give her best smile whenever asked.

Here's a good patch of flowers! Watch for the bees, they love these little yellow ones.

It's as if the cacti are throwing their arms in the air to say"What's with all this grass?"

In one more week the purple ones will be out, and more of the reds.


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